Cyfeillion Cadw Tremadog

Friends of Tremadog

Directory of Local Businesses

The Website of Tremadog ( is run by Cyfeillion Cadw Tremadog to advertise the local shops, hotels, restaurants and other Tremadog businesses on on the web. Our aim is to let internet users know about the places to stay, places to eat, places to visit, things to do and things to see in Tremadog and in the surrounding area. If your business is missing - Please get in contact so we may add it!


Other Local Business

Chippy Dre Cod a Sclod (Fish & Chips) Tremadog's Award Winning Fish & Chip shop
13 Stryd yr Eglwys, Tremadog, Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: (01766) 512281
The Golden Fleece Inn & Bistro Free House - Real Ale - Bar Meals - Restaurant - Accommodation
The Square, Tremadog, Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: (01766) 512421
The Union Inn The Union Inn is a friendly village Free House dating back to the 19th Century.
The Union Inn, Market Square, Tremadog, Gwynedd T: 01766 512748
Y Sgwar Y Sgwâr is situated in the picturesque market square of Tremadog, with beautiful views of mountain backdrops.
12-16 Market Square, Tremadog, Porthmadog T: 01766 515451
Snowdon Lodge Snowdon Lodge provides self-catering group accommodation for groups of up to 35 people - The lodge is the birthplace of Lawrence of Arabia.
Snowdon Lodge Group Hostel, Lawrence House, Church Street, Tremadog, Nr Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: 01766 515354
AreArt Web Site design and business integration solutions
62 Isgraig, Tremadog T: 01766514811
Browsers' Bookshop Excellent selection of books, maps, stationery and greetings cards
D & S Cowper, Browsers Bookshop, 73 High Street, Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: (01766) 512066
Eifionydd Engineering Sales and maintenance of grass cutting equipment, chainsaws and miniature tractors
Stryd Fawr, Tremadog, Gwynedd T: 01766 514226
Gardencraft Leading UK manufacturers of poultry units, kennels, workshops and garden sheds
I. Shutes, Gardencraft, Tremadog, Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: (01766) 513036
Madog Fire Safety Fire Safety Training, Fire Extinguisher Sales, Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
T: 01766 513043 :: 0778 991 1437
MPMA Marvin Pritchard's Martial Art Kickboxing Academy
Dublin Street, Tremadog M: 075 35129711
Plas Tanyrallt Historic Country House, former home of W M Madocks founder of Tremadog and Porthmadog, and of the poet Shelley. 40 acres of gardens and woods. B&B with style
Plas Tanyrallt, Tremadog, Gwynedd T: 01766 514591
Pritchard a Griffiths Cyf Funeral Directors The Company prides itself on assisting families to arrange funerals; this help can be as little or as much as the families may need.
Dublin St, Tremadog, Porthmadog T: 01766 512091
SPAR SPAR shop & Post Office stocking dairy products, fresh fruit, vegetables and more
SPAR, The Square, Tremadog, Porthmadog, Gwynedd T: (01766) 513959
Styles Hair Design Hair Design
11 y Sgwar, Tremadog T: 01766 514890
Viia Hair & Nails
T: Hair 07747 491 916 - Nails 07919 373 547
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